EASD Art Show 2017

Carefully planned art making activities from elementary through high school results in very diverse artwork that is more meaningful, (you don’t end up with 30 mini monet’s), that grows over the years in ability and originality. I am so proud of our students, our art department, and the exemplary artwork coming out of our district. We spent the last 2 days preparing and finally had our opening night. We had a great turnout. Here are a few photos from last night… I am the shortie on the right in the group photo (I must’ve missed the memo on wearing high heels. hee hee!)

We need to regard our students as artists and offer them real choices for responding to their own ideas and interests through the making of art. 
This concept supports multiple modes of learning and teaching for the diverse needs of students. This learning environment provides resources and opportunities to construct knowledge and meaning through the process of making art.

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Humane League Animals

8th Grade students created portraits of animals to accompany their community project to support the Humane League. After learning about using art for advocacy, they used the math and grid method to measure and get accurate proportions in their work. They chose materials like watercolor, oil pastel, colored pencil, or acrylic paint to make their portraits. They also created posters on their computers to accompany their chosen pets, some of which were actual animals available for adoption!dogs



More than a pretty face…

As a public school teacher, it is important that I cover the standards and curriculum set forth by my district. Over the years, my goal has been to build the necessary foundation in my artists while also leaving as much choice and problem solving up to the students as possible. This is a tricky balancing act that has taken our units to new and unexpected directions.  There is nothing more satisfying than having the students take a project and really make it their own. The quiet in the room as they worked, coupled with the reluctance in putting away their chosen materials at the end of class only reinforces that we are going in the right direction.

The last two weeks, my 5th graders have been working on self-portraits. The lesson originated as “wacky portraits” and has evolved to Expressive Portraits. Who are you? what would you like people to know about you? How do you think people see you? How do you see yourself? What would you choose to communicate with your portrait? were some of the questions answered while learning facial proportions and color use. The real fun was listening to them tell each other about their work.


Kandinsky Concentric Circle Weavings

c1g8gjjxcaec5ksOne of my goals this year was to introduce more 3D opportunities for my students. I had never attempted weaving and after lots of online research I decided to give it a go! I tried it out with a few students in 5th and 6th and decided to try it with my 6th graders. I am so glad I did because the kids absolutely loved it! A big plus, this lesson easily allowed for STEAM to be incorporated:

Science: The discovery of concentric circles found in our world.
Technology: The use of technology to enhance and document learning.
Engineering: The construction of physical woven concentric circles that exhibit attempts at architecture and engineering.
Arts: Construction of the woven concentric circles that encourage the student artist’s creative expression.
Math: The exploration of lines, patterns, and the construction of concentric circles that share the same center.

After a brief introduction to the art of Kandinsky, I invited the kiddos to weave their own concentric circles. Chinet plates were used as the “loom” which we made the first day. Having the students number the plates made all of the difference. We worked as a large group stringing the “warp” on- a few of the students needed extra direction with this part but they all managed to do it. Yay! They loved picking the colors and planning out their designs. Have a look at these great results. Always a good day in the art room when they are all engaged and all I need to do is walk around and listen to them chat away to me while they eagerly work.